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The green padlock demystified: how does the SSL handshake work?

We’ve all seen that little green padlock in the URL bar of our web browsers — but have you ever stopped to consider what exactly it is and how it works? In this blog post, we’ll be exploring the SSL handshake and its purpose in keeping both you and your website safe. We’ll also answer some commonly asked questions about the SSL handshake, such as whether or not it really keeps your data secure and what kind of encryption algorithms are employed. Let’s get started!

How SSL works

When you visit a website with SSL, your browser will initiate an SSL handshake with the server. This process is used to establish an encrypted connection between the browser and the server.

The first step in the SSL handshake is for the browser to request a copy of the server's SSL certificate. The server will then send back its certificate to the browser.

The browser will then verify that the certificate is valid and trusted. Once the certificate has been verified, the browser will generate a key that will be used to encrypt all communication between the browser and the server.

The last step in the SSL handshake is for the browser to send its key to the server. The server can then use this key to decrypt any data that is sent from the browser.

Public key cryptography 101: Key Pair

The SSL handshake is a process that starts when your browser sends a message to the server requesting a secure connection. The server then sends its public key back to the browser, which verifies that it's genuine. Once both parties have verified each other's keys, they can start encrypting and decrypting messages using a shared secret key.

The key pair consists of two parts: the public key and the private key. The public key is used to encrypt messages, while the private key is used to decrypt them. Both keys are generated together and are mathematically linked. However, it is not possible to derive the private key from the public key.

Public key cryptography 101: Encryption

Public key cryptography is the basis for many modern security protocols, including SSL/TLS. In public key cryptography, each party has a pair of keys: a public key and a private key. The public key can be known by anyone, but the private key must be kept secret. Public key cryptography relies on the fact that it is very difficult to derive one key from the other.

When two parties want to communicate securely, they first exchange public keys. Once each party has the other's public key, they can use it to encrypt messages that can only be decrypted with the corresponding private key. This ensures that only the intended recipient can read the message, even if it is intercepted by someone else.

SSL/TLS uses public key encryption for two purposes: to verify the identity of the server (via a digital certificate), and to establish a secure connection between the server and client. We'll take a closer look at how each of these works below.

Public key cryptography 101: Signature

In public key cryptography, two keys are used to encrypt and decrypt data. A public key can be shared with anyone, and is used to encrypt data. A private key is known only to the owner, and is used to decrypt data.

When a message is encrypted with a public key, it can only be decrypted with the corresponding private key. This means that if someone has your public key, they can send you messages that only you can read.

A signature is a way of verifying that a message was sent by the owner of a particular private key. When a message is signed with a private key, anyone can verify that it was sent by the owner of that key simply by checking the signature with the corresponding public key.

Signatures are commonly used to verify the identity of the sender of a message or transaction. For example, when you make an online purchase, the website will use your signature to verify that you are who you say you are before sending your credit card information.

The SSL handshake

When you visit a website with SSL encryption, your browser and the website's server begin an SSL handshake. This process is designed to ensure that the data exchanged between them is private and secure.

The first step in the SSL handshake is for your browser to request the site's SSL certificate from its server. Once it has received the certificate, your browser will check to see if it is valid and has not been tampered with. If everything checks out, the browser will then generate a key that will be used to encrypt the data that is exchanged between your computer and the server.

The next step is for your browser to send a message to the server using this key, asking it to identify itself. The server will respond with its own key, which will be used to decrypt the data that is sent from your computer. Once both sides have exchanged keys, all future communications will be encrypted using these keys and no one else will be able to read them.

What is a green padlock?

When you see a green padlock in your browser's address bar, it means that the website you're visiting is using SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) to encrypt communication between its server and your browser. This is important because it helps prevent third parties from intercepting and reading the data being exchanged between the two.

How to get a green padlock

If you're looking to add a green padlock to your website, there are a few things you need to do. First, you need to purchase an SSL Certificate. Once you have your certificate, you need to install it on your web server. After that, you need to configure your site to use HTTPS. And finally, you need to make sure all of your content is updated to reflect the new HTTPS URL. Let's take a closer look at each of these steps in more detail.

1) Purchase an SSL Certificate: You can purchase an SSL certificate from a variety of different providers. Be sure to shop around and compare features and prices before making your decision.

2) Install the Certificate on Your Web Server: Once you have your certificate, the next step is to install it on your web server. This process will vary depending on which type of server you're using, so be sure to consult your hosting provider or server documentation for instructions.

3) Configure Your Site for HTTPS: Once your certificate is installed and working, the next step is to configure your site to use HTTPS. This involves updating your site's URL from HTTP to HTTPS and ensuring that all assets (including images, CSS files, etc.) are also served over HTTPS. Again, the exact process will vary depending on which type of server you're using and what CMS or other software powers your website. Consult your hosting provider or software documentation for specific instructions.

4) Update Your


The SSL handshake is an important process that helps protect user data when transferring information between two points. By understanding how the green padlock works and what happens during an SSL handshake, website owners can be more confident in providing a secure environment for their customers. The best way to ensure your website’s security is to use reliable SSL certificate providers and keep up to date with all of the latest industry standards in order to protect users from malicious attacks.

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